New year, slightly new approach. I've decided to delve into my 12" single stock - and certainly in the early 1980s I bought a lot of 12" singles, after all this was the time of the remix and extended versions, with possible bonus tracks not on the 7" version.
I'm starting with this super slick slice on 1983 American disco-funk (I went slightly soul boy at this time of my life as you will discover over the coming months). This is just a fantastic song which is impossible to keep still to or not sing along to. Listening to it again it now, it does get slightly repetitive over the 12" format and probably works better over 7", but back in the day you HAD to have the extended remix.
Womack & Womack were husband and wife duo Linda and Cecil Womack and they were steeped in American musical history - Linda was Sam Cooke's daughter and Cecil had previously been married to Mary Wells of The Supremes. Before singing their own material they had worked with people like James Brown and as a songwriting duo had written hit songs for many artists.
When I bought this single I was working in a bank in central Portsmouth and my mate Ian and I would spend every - and I mean every - lunch hour in the local record shops looking for the latest releases. We were lucky to have a large HMV store, plus a Virgin Megastore in the (now gone) Tricorn Centre and a local independent store Subway Records. Heaven!! Getting our fix of buying a new vinyl record certainly helped the afternoon go quicker, and the boring commute home felt better knowing that I had some new vinyl to whack onto the turntable as soon as I got home.
Here's the music: